Logical Volume partitioning

LVM partitioning - Logical Volume Manager

The following is a basic introduction. It is up to the esteemed reader to delve deeper into the subject. Please refer to the respective man page. Further sources of information can be found at the end of this text - the list does not claim to be complete.

Working with Logical Volumes is much easier than most users think. The best feature of LVM is that changes take effect without having to reboot the system. Logical Volumes can span multiple disks and are scalable. This distinguishes them from other methods of disk partitioning.

You should be familiar with three basic terms:

Six steps to logical volumes

We assume non-partitioned hard disks in our example. Note: If old partitions are deleted, all data will be irretrievably lost.

As partition editor, either cfdisk or gdisk must be used because currently neither GParted nor the KDE partition manager support the creation of logical volumes. See also the manual pages:
Partitioning with cfdisk (msdos-MBR)
Partitioning with gdisk (GPT-UEFI)

All of the following commands and actions require root privileges.

  1. Creating of a partition table

    cfdisk /dev/sda
    n  -> creates a new partition on the drive
    p  -> this partition becomes a primary partition
    1  -> the partition gets the number 1
          as identification "size allocation" sets the
          first and last cylinder to default values.
          Press ENTER to span the whole drive
    t  -> selects the partition type to create
    8e -> the hex code for a Linux LVM
    W  -> writes changes to the drive

    The command W writes the partitioning table. If a mistake was made up to this point, the existing partitioning layout can be restored. For this purpose, enter the command q for cfdisk to exit without writing, and everything remains as it has been before.

    If the volume group is to span more than one physical volume (disk), the above operation must be performed on each physical volume.

  2. Creating a physical volume [PV]

    pvcreate /dev/sda1

    The command creates the PV on the first partition of the first hard disk.
    This process is to be repeated on each partition as needed.

  3. Creating a volume group [VG]

    Now we add three PV (/dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1) to a VG named vulcan:

    vgcreate vulcan /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1

    If this step has been performed correctly, the result can be seen in the output of the following command:


    vgdisplay displays the size with:

    vgdisplay vulcan
  4. Creating a logical volume [LV]

    At this point you have to decide how big the LV should be at the beginning. One advantage of LVM is the ability to adjust the size without rebooting.

    In our example, we want a 300GB LV named spock inside the VG named vulcan:

    lvcreate -n spock --size 300g vulcan
  5. Formatting the LV

    Please be patient, this process may take some time:

    mkfs.ext4 /dev/vulcan/spock
  6. Mounting the LV

    Create the mount point with

    mkdir /media/spock/

    Using “/dev/vulcan/spock” is preferable to using UUID numbers with an LVM because it makes it easier to clone the file system (no UUID collisions). An LVM allows to create file systems with identical UUID numbers (classic example: snapshots). To mount the LV during the boot process, fstab must be customized with a text editor:

    mcedit /etc/fstab

    Then insert the following line according to our example:

    /dev/vulcan/spock /media/spock/ ext4 auto,users,rw,exec,dev,relatime 0 2

    The owner of the LV can be changed so that other users have read/write access: ~~~ chown root:users /media/spock chmod 775 /media/spock ~~~

We can now repeat steps 4 to 6 for the new LV kirk to be created.

A simple LVM should now be usable.

Resizing a volume

Always make a data backup first.

We recommend using a live ISO to resize a LV. Although increasing the LV size of the running system can be done without error, decreasing the size of a LV cannot. Anomalies can lead to data loss, especially if the / (root) or /home directories are affected.

Example of an enlargement

The LV spock is to be enlarged from 300GB to 500GB.
We first check whether there is enough free memory.
vgdisplay provides information.

vgdisplay vulcan
Free PE / Size      170890 / 667,50 GiB

There is enough free storage space for our project.
We can start working.
Unmounting the LV:

umount /media/spock/

Never unmount your root file system during operation.

Extend the LV and its file system:

lvextend -L+200g --resizefs /dev/vulcan/spock

The lvextend command needs to be given the size difference as an option, not the total size desired.
The file system is then first checked with the option “–resizefs” and then adapted to the new size of the LV.

Finally, we mount the LV again.

mount /media/spock

The enlargement of an LV, even for the / (root) file system, is also possible during operation. Only the two commands unmount and mount are omitted. However, no file system check is then carried out.

If you want to check the root file system, use the kernel command line parameter fsck.mode=force during the boot process.

Example of a downsizing

The LV spock is downsized from 500GB to 280GB:

umount /media/spock/

Reduce the size of the file system:

e2fsck -f /dev/vulcan/spock
resize2fs /dev/vulcan/spock 280g

After that, the LV is changed.

lvreduce -L-220g /dev/vulcan/spock
resize2fs /dev/vulcan/spock
mount /media/spock

Again, the lvreduce command must be given the size difference as an option.
The resize2sf command resizes the file system exactly to the LV size.

Manage LVM with a GUI program

Gparted offers the possibility to manage already created logical volumes. The program needs to be executed as root.

More info

Logical Volume Manager - Wikipedia
Working with logical volumes #1
Working with logical volumes #2
Working with logical volumes #3

Last edited: 2023/12/12