How to access a Windows network share using siduction
All commands are executed in a terminal or console as root.
The URL is called in Dolphin as normal user
“server” = server name or IP of the Windows machine
“share” = name of the share
In the KDE file manager Dolphin, the URL is entered as follows:
or with the full path:
In a console, the shares on a server can be displayed with:
smbclient -L <server>
To see a share in a directory (with access for ALL users), a mount point must exist. If not, a directory must be created as a mount point (the name is arbitrary):
mkdir -p /mnt/server_share
A share is mounted with this command:
mount -t cifs -o username=administrator,uid=$UID,gid=$GID //server/share /mnt/server_share
If you get an error message here, it may be due to the SMB protocol
version you are using. In Debian, SMB 1.0 is no longer used for security
reasons. Unfortunately, there are still systems which provide only SMB
1.0. To get access to such a share, the mount option
is needed. The complete command is:
mount -t cifs -o username=Administrator,vers=1.0,uid=$UID,gid=$GID //server/share /mnt/server_share
A connection is terminated with this command:
umount /mnt/server_share
To mount a Samba share automatically, the /etc/fstab
file can be amended according to this pattern (all in one line):
//server/share /mnt/server_share cifs noauto,x-systemd.
password=**********,uid=$UID,gid=$GID 0 0
However, it is not recommended to write the password in plain text to
fstab. A better alternative is to create .smbcredentials
with the following content:
The resulting entry for /etc/fstab
is (all in one
//server/share /mnt/server_share cifs noauto,x-systemd.
to/.smbcredentials>,uid=$UID,gid=$GID 0 0
The variables “UID” and “GID” correspond to those
of the user to whom the share should be given. But you can also write
Of course, siduction can also provide an SMB server. Describing the setup as a Samba server here in the manual would go beyond its scope. The internet provides many HowTo’s on this topic.
Our recommendations:
debian - a
minimal Samba setup
Raspberry Pi -
samba server
- install and configure samba
- using samba as a server
There are many more sites on this topic on the web.